Recruitment Pipeline
CCTS services provide an integrated pipeline to support participant recruitment needs throughout the research process, from Biostatistical power analysis, to clinical data extracts from the UIC Clinical Research Data Warehouse, to assistance with recruitment strategies through the Community Engagement & Collaboration Core.
Support by Project Stage Heading link
Relevant Support:
- Power Analysis: Sampling strategy and size determination
- Cohort & aggregate clinical data counts
- QUICKSet Access
- ACT Network Access
- Project Design Consultation: Recruitment and retention plans & budgeting
- Community Engagement Advisory Board consultation
Data Collection
Relevant Support:
- Clinical Research Data Warehouse: Identifiable data extracts
- Recruitment and retention strategies
- Development/refinement of recruitment materials
- Community engagement strategies
- Community Engagement Advisory Board troubleshooting consultation
Relevant Support:
Preparing for subsequent grants/projects