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Jun 28 2024

“Database Development and Data Storage”

Clinical Research Investigator Seminar Series

June 28, 2024

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Virtual via Zoom

a team of clinical researchers consult with a study volunteer


This session will focus on (a) broad considerations for developing a database for your research study, both for the collection of study data and process tracking and (b) data storage needs over the course of NIH-funded studies to comply with NIH Data Sharing requirements.


Kathleen R. Diviak, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist
Director, Data Management Core
Institute for Health Research and Policy
University of Illinois Chicago


2023-2024 Clinical Research Investigators Seminar Series (CRISS): This training seminar series is intended to provide faculty and other investigators with information and skills needed to conduct clinical research at UIC at all stages of a study’s lifecycle.




Sudeshna De, Lawrie Zhang

Date posted

May 24, 2024

Date updated

May 24, 2024