Rachel Olech
Senior Regulatory Specialist
Regulatory Support and Bioethics Core
Building & Room:
1747 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Office Phone:
My work in CCTS focuses on steering investigators and research teams through the regulatory processes related to research, primarily human subjects research issues and navigating IRB review. My approach follows three parallel tracks: provide education and training to campus, create and distribute resources accessible online, and consult with individual researchers for specific projects. This work was informed by many years spent working in OPRS as the Assistant Director and IRB member on IRB #3, an IRB constituted to review biomedical research. Areas of specialty include clinical trials, regulations and policies governing human subjects research (federal, state, and local), and research involving vulnerable populations (children, pregnant women, decisionally impaired individuals).
Prior to the IRB, I worked as a research coordinator in Hematology/Oncology and was responsible for data collection, obtaining consent, survey administration, and keeping researchers and participants on track with research activities. In addition to my current work, I am involved in projects on improving IRB effectiveness through AEREO, and educational and training programs for clinical research staff in the Chicago area through CReWE, and have professional certification through CIP.