Why are community engagement advisory board participants important? Heading link
The Community Engagement Advisory Board (CEAB) members are vital ambassadors for academic health research. They can help relate the importance of scientific research to their communities in different ways and in a variety of settings.
CEAB member quote Heading link
I have seen some of the [study] flyers asking for participants in my local church. I have been able to recognize the studies and explain to people that they are legitimate. I find that my community, which is primarily Hispanic, is weary about studies.
CEAB member|
Who we are and what we do Heading link
The CEAB is comprised of both academic health researchers and community leaders. This team forms four boards that meet twice monthly during the standard academic year. Their networks encompass faith-based organizations, grassroots and large-scale nonprofits/NGOs, higher education and research institutions as well as health care settings.
Members contribute a wide range of professional and lived expertise, including interactions with the following populations and/or medical conditions:
Experience List 1
- African Americans
- Behavioral Research
- Cancer Patients
- Clinical Research
- College Students
- Community Implementation
- Community Outreach
- Faith-based Communities
- Food Access & Urban Farming
- Grandparenting
- Healthcare
- Higher Education
- Hispanic and Latino/Latina
- Homelessness
- Immigrants & Immigrant Families
Experience List 2
- Low-income Families
- Men’s Health
- Mental Health
- Native Americans
- Nonprofit/community organization administration
- Older Adults
- Parenting
- Regulatory Requirements
- Research Dissemination
- Research Ethics
- Underrepresented Populations
- Veterans
- Women & Children
- Youth